
Monday, January 17, 2011

Our Website and Our Philosophy of Teaching

English Mindset

Apart from the "what we do", "how we do it",  "how much we cost" ingredients that most websites must have to survive, we have made an effort to include educational, recreational and informational features in order to keep our students entertained and at arms length.   
We will continue to expand and improve our website with our students in mind. At this moment we already have installed a video channel that includes amenities such as English language tutorials, superbly creative advertisement, songs and even travel tips. 
For example, we feature two outstanding widgets: one that teaches vocabulary, courtesy of (Vocabulary Videos) and the other created by the BBC that links you directly to their English language learning portal; a site with immense multimedia resource.  English Mindset feels that by guiding its students to explore for themselves these and other wonderful free resources on the web, we will be contributing to effectively improve their English language skills. 

These are the widgets:



And here is the BBC widget: 

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