Countless royal subjects and fans of the crown have joined a lively countdown for this magical fairytale story. Heartfelt outburst of admiration erupt as if temporarily isolating them from the hardships of natural calamities, nuclear meltdowns, wars, and horrendous human rights violations that plague our planet and that affects us all.
To make sure that the world tunes for the event the city of London is preparing for an onslaught of 8,000 journalists heavily equipped with cameras, microphones and far reaching antennas. They are all competing for a strategic locations on top of buildings and view sites between the Buckingham Palace and the Westminster Abbey . They have promised to bring to the world the most spectacular television event in history and the masses expect nothing but the best. A media frenzy that will start with royal wedding procession across the most memorable and picturesque surroundings in London will climax with the wedding itself.

Note: The official Google blog has spectacular 3D images of London's landscape of the procession from the palace to the abbey. It is worth a visit. The video clip below features there as well.
I didn't know about this blog of yours. Is it a twin of your sketches?
ReplyDeleteNot exactly a twin of Bosquejos as this one is a much recent blog. I want to keep Bosquejos "alive", so when I have something interesting that sort of fits Bosquejos, I copy it there.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is for the English Conversation Site (business)I am trying to develop. This is the address:
I've been very distant from everyone - sorry, but I'll come back to you blog an pay you a visit. Yesterday I visited Cyrano's blog after a long time...I din't know he had published a letter for me and the current crisis in Japan. A very heartfelt piece; I am very grateful.
Thanks for your visit Gabby. Cesar